Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the blessing of blessings

Since I despise all things shopping, except for books of course, I starting making it a little more fun by striking up with conversations with random people in the stores, you should try it sometime it is really quite fun, and I have found myself immeasurably blessed.

When we hear that God will pour out His favor and blessing onto us we usually equate it to something material and tangible, but we find the real blessings of God when we slow down and look for them, the  blessing of our paths crossing with that random person in the store, the blessing of Him sending us the right friends, the blessing of finding the exact scripture you need at just right moment, the blessing of peace, the blessing of enjoying warm summer days and the fresh air blowing through the open window, the blessing of taking a walk on the first snow fall of the season, that was something Whitney and I did every year together, we never missed a walk during the first snow fall, the blessings of dinner with friends or a Sunday morning service that you so needed to hear, the blessing of getting out into God’s creation, I am not talking about being among God’s creation I am talking about breathing it in, taking it into your lungs and opening your eyes to beauty of it, the new start we are given each morning, the forgiveness of our sins, a God that loves us so much that He delights in having a relationship with us, the blessing of discipline and the blessing of hope.

Father, I thank you for opening my eyes to appreciate all the blessings you have given to me. I thank You for this time You have given me to spend with You, to strengthen myself in You and to strengthen my relationship with You, I can’t live this life without You.  It is Jesus name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. So many blessings...if we just slow down enough to remember them! I love your idea of how to make shopping more fun. Perhaps, that would help shopping more fun for me too!

    Hey, by the way, are you on facebook? If you are look me up I would love to be "friends" :)
